Dogen Sangha Blog


Japanese / German

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buddhism and Faith.

Dear Nishijima Roshi,

Is the only valid object of faith in Buddhsim the confidence that arises from the direct practice/experience of Zazen?

Is it an irrational presumption to take refuge in, or place confidence in, an experience that is outside of our own practice/experience (i.e. such as when some Buddhists make non-experiential, faith-based presumptions about the experiences of teachers such as Buddha or other teachers)?

Best Regards,


Dear Harry San,

My answer is as follows.

(Harry San) Is the only valid object of faith in Buddhsim the confidence that arises from the direct practice/experience of Zazen?

(Gudo) The valid object of faith in Buddhism is the state of body and mind, which can be realized, when the autonomic nervous system (ASN) has equality between SNS and PNS.

(Harry San) Is it an irrational presumption to take refuge in, or place confidence in, an experience that is outside of our own practice/experience (i.e. such as when some Buddhists make non-experiential, faith-based presumptions about the experiences of teachers such as Buddha or other teachers)?

(Gudo) It is not an irrational presumption to take refuge in.
It is not an irrational presumption to place confidence in.
It is not an experience that is outside of our own practice/experience.
It is the state, to which we can take refuge in.
It is the state, where we can place confidence in.
It is just our own practice/experience.
It is just our sitting.
It is just keeping our spine straight vertically.
It is just our action.
It is just the balance of the autonomic nervous system.

Thank you very much for your questions.

Gudo Wafu Nishijima


Blogger Harry said...

Dear Nishijima Roshi,

Thank you very much for taking the time to consider my questions, and thank you for your clear and concise answer.

Best wishes,


1:03 AM, November 16, 2007  

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